Sunday, January 26, 2014

Lessons From Marys

In my last post I mentioned that I was having some tests done to determine what was wrong and how to make me feel better.  The ultrasounds and blood work showed that I needed a minor surgery to correct the problem...and I had to have a time to heal afterward. All of this was happening during the worst time of the year to be sick...Christmastime! While the world around me was whirling with activities, shopping, wrapping presents, parties, food preparations, choir practices and programs, events, etc., I was down for the count and at times it was hard to be content until one day God spoke to me and had a few choice words for me to hear. 

He said it was time to stop dwelling on the pain and the complications and instead focus on what I could learn through my circumstances.  I felt that I was the only one who had been sidelined when I should have been celebrating along with the world. However, He reminded me that all of the activities are not what matters most in life; instead it is the time spent with Him that really matters most.  So, I guess as the new year has progresses, I have my marching orders from Him...Learn contentment!...and that among many other lessons have come my way through my down time. 

He suggested that I think about the different Marys in the Bible and see what I could learn from them.  There are a couple of them that come to mind.

 Mary, the mother of Jesus
I know, I know, we only talk about her at Christmastime, however, I think she has some character qualities that would be good to model all year long. 

  • She pondered things in her heart.  She did not second guess or argue with God when she was chosen to be the mother of the Messiah.
  • She thought before she spoke. ..which means that she guarded her tongue. She did not blabber the things she knew to everyone. She thought about the happenings.  Even when Jesus was crucified, she pondered that, too!
  • She humbly accepted God's will for her life without questioning God as to what He was doing. 
  • She was submissive to God. She said, "Be it unto me according to thy Word."
Mary Magdalene
Here is a lady who had sunk to the bottom of life's the point where she had 7 devils dwelling in her. She was powerless until Jesus came and set her free from it all. 
  • She never forgot from where she had come. She knew what it felt like to be delivered from an awful life of sin. 
  • She was a faithful follower of Jesus. Once her deliverance came, she never looked back.
  • When Jesus was crucified, she wept and mourned, yet in her heart of hearts she knew that the story was not over yet.  The day was dark and she could not understand what was happening to Jesus, yet she never lost hope.
  • When she met Jesus at the tomb, she was overwhelmed with gratitude and praise. 
  • She shared the good news with the other disciples even though they were a bit skeptical at first, yet she persisted.
Martha's sister, Mary
Here is a lady with her priorities in the right place.
  • Mary was sitting at Jesus' feet learning of Him. Maybe she should have been helping Martha. Maybe she had worked for a while and dropped down for a rest, but it was at Jesus' feet where she was found. 
  • Martha knew where to find her and tried to humiliate her in front of the other guests.  That was not kind of Martha to do that, however, Mary did not retaliate and criticize her sister. I know the Bible does not say it, but I think she quietly stood up and slipped into the kitchen to help while Martha was still on her rant. She had chosen the better part...spending time with Jesus. 
And finally, the Mary who anointed Jesus's feet.
  • Some say this was Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus. Whomever she was, she had a few lessons to teach, too.
  • She poured out her most expensive treasure on Jesus' feet. She wiped his feet with her hair. She knew what the others did not. 
  •  She understood what He had been telling them all along.  She knew that He was going to die. 
  •  She did what even the host had forgotten to do. She washed His feet and took the place of a servant. 

So for this year I think the lessons that He wants me to learn are:

1. Think before speaking!!!
2. Humbly accept whatever God's will is and be submissive to it.
3. Don't forget from where you come from, but never lose sight of the Heavenly goal!
4.  Even in the dark times, never ever lose Hope.  The story is not all written yet.
5. Spend time at Jesus' feet.
6. Don't be afraid to serve others even in the menial tasks.

Those are good goals for this year. 

Thanks for reading.
Donna McHugh