Recently, I have seen a lot on the news and on Facebook about the end of the world, prophesies being fulfilled, etc. They are talking about the Great Tribulation being upon us...warning us that we as Christians will face untold tribulations starting real soon. The articles are written as scare tactics to put fear in people! Although there needs to be a serious repentance in this nation, yet that begins with the individual heart.
I have been impressed for some time to sit and write as God gives me words on this issue.
1. The Great Tribulation is upon us. That may be true or not. We do not know. No one knows the day or the hour. Only the Father knows! So this "Run for the hills and grab your squirrel rifle business" is not what God had in mind.
The God that I have come to know and love is not a God of harsh judgments on those who love and serve Him with their whole hearts. Would a loving and tender God pour wrath on those who loved Him? No, His punishment is reserved for those who are not serving Him...who have rejected Him as the Messiah.
He does not say, "Come to me all ye who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you one moment to rest then beat you senseless!" NO! He says,
"Come to me all you who are weary and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)
When we come to Him, we find comfort and rest and healing, not harsh beatings. He wants us to rest in Him in all circumstances and in every situation that we face.
Jesus told us before He went back to Heaven, "Let not your hearts be troubled.
John14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
So many places throughout the Scriptures you find His comforts for your troubles. ( I'm not saying that we will never face tribulations and troubles, but He promised that He will be with us in those troubles.)
John16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
2. One statement said that, "We in America will be facing what others around the world are facing so that we can be prepared for Heaven." Really? I do not know how many families that are in my acquaintance who have not faced unreal trials and problems lately. We are facing things as a family that we have never faced before. Things are happening in this nation as never before. Yet, GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL!. We may not have faced the firing squad as some have, but the persecution is still here in America, folks! Christians are being persecuted for their faith on a daily basis.
It has been happening for many years! Growing up, we as a family were persecuted for our faith in the public schools and in the community. Christians are discriminated against all of the time in the marketplace for jobs and business. However, God always takes care of His own. There is nothing to be afraid of wherever we go or whatever we are doing in His name. HE IS WITH US! When Jesus left, He sent the Holy Spirit as our COMFORTER!
3. Look around you and see the being prophesies fulfilled every day. Yes, things are shaping up for Jesus to split the eastern sky and return to this earth to take His Bride away. However, when we read about all of this, our hearts should have a stronger tug toward Heaven! What a glorious day that will be for the saints of God!
On the other side of this coin, this is not a time to be putting our heads in the sands and ignoring what is taking place around us. We are to be vigilant, watchful, and redouble our efforts to pray for those who are not part of the Bride...those who have rejected the Messiah.
There is still time, folks, but it may be shorter than we think.. The door is still open for all to come to Him. No matter what anyone has done or where they have gone, God's Grace still reaches farther than the stain has gone! Thank God!
So, this is my take home message for us.
1. Do not let your heart be troubled about what is going on in the world.
2. Keep your heart right with God.
3. Pray earnestly for loved ones.
4. Look Up! Our Redemption Draws Nigh!!!
OH yeah, and just for the record, if the sky really is falling, we as Christians will not even be here. We will be with our Lord in the His Place that He prepared for us.
That is not a bad thing to think about today.
Thanks for reading.
Donna McHugh