Recently, I have had some tests done to determine what is wrong and why I've not been feeling well. The results of those tests have determined that there are some procedures that need to be done in order for me to be well again physically.
Some of the tests were not comfortable at all and I still have other tests that are going to be even more uncomfortable! However, I need to endure these tests and procedures in order to become healthy again.
I have given this a lot of thought and God told me that what I am going through physically is similar to what we go through spiritually. I cannot see what is inside of me. I do not know what is wrong. Oh, I have some symptoms that are telling me that something is not right inside, but without the tests, there is no way to tell what is wrong.
My whole body is talking to me. That is the way with the church. If one member is ailing, all of the members will suffer. If one member is full of infection, then it will spread to others causing more widespread infection and the pain will increase without divine intervention.
If I ignore the symptoms and hope they go away on their own, I am doing a disservice to my body...and I am doing a disservice if I ignore what is going on inside of me spiritually, too. If there is something malfunctioning, then the Great Physician is faithful to show me what it is when He shines His scope on the problem area. Perhaps, He will say, "I think we need to deal with this infection of bad attitudes, grudges, hurts, etc. He does not show us everything at once, but He will pinpoint the problem area gently and offer advice to correct the problem.
Not all corrective measures are easy or pleasant. Humbling yourself and saying, "I'm sorry." is hard. Offering grace when it is not deserved is a real muscle strain at times. Letting go of the past hurts, failures, and misunderstandings is gut-wrenching. But when we do whatever it is that the Great Physician is asking of us to do, the rewards outweigh the pain by a long shot.
God can see what we cannot. He can see inside of each of us and knows our hearts,our motives, our intents. He knows where we are hurting. He knows why we are hurting. He knows who hurt us. He knows why they hurt us. He also sees into the future and knows how the things that He shows us will affect our future... our relationships...our churches... and ultimately our eternal destination.
One more thought. We do not have the power to see inside of another person with our human eyes. We do not know what they are thinking. We do not know their motives. We just see their actions, whether good or bad. We cannot know the root of their problems, but God can. We cannot know why they lash out at us. We cannot see the hurts inside of them. We are not them and our puny light of judgement was never meant to try to see inside of them. Our job is to ask the Great Physician to heal them. We are commanded to pray one for another.
When there is a problem as member of the church, family or whatever relationship, our job is to be the one who is faithful to show them that there is help and hope that only comes through the Great Physician.
We are to offer grace and mercy, kindness and forgiveness...and when God's light shines inside of us and shows us something wrong, then we know what we should do. He is faithful to show us the plan to complete spiritual restoration.
One day, when we all stand before God on Judgement Day, All will be known. It will be shouted from the housetops. It is better to make sure that we are without blemish with our insides clean, our motives pure, and our hearts beating as one with our Father and fellowmen here and now than to have them all revealed to the entire world.
Thanks for reading.
Donna McHugh