If you recall, Peter's name, aka. Cephas, was changed by Jesus. There was a change in Peter's heart when he began following Jesus. He was a crude fisherman when Jesus found him by the seaside. However, after time with the Master, all of that began to change . God was changing him from the inside out. He reached a point where Jesus confidently declared:
Matthew 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Just think about that for a minute. Peter was changed from a crude, impetuous, bold fisherman to becoming a rock, a stable and solid fisher of men. Who did that? The Master!!!
When we meet the Master our name changes, too. We may have a bad reputation for being a liar, cheater, or whatever label our reputation has earned us. However, that moment when we meet the Master, all things become new. Our reputation begins to change. People begin to notice a difference. We don't go to places that we used to go. We don't say the things that we used to say. We don't act like we used to act...for all is changed. We are new creatures in Christ Jesus!
Sometimes the changes are not understood by those around us. They begin to mock us and goad us, trying to get us to turn back to our old ways because now we are different. Our lives are reminders to them that they are not living as they should and that bothers them. They do not know how to act around the new you!
Some may call us different names, like Religious Nut, Holy Roller, Goody-Two-Shoes. etc. Their names will never hurt us. Just be glad they recognize the difference Christ has made in your life. So many times when we turn our lives over to Christ and we endure the mockery of the world; who is the first one that the mockers turn to when catastrophe comes into their lives? You guessed it! They come to you and ask for prayer because they have confidence in you. Your influence for right is a shining example in the darkness.
What happens if you are falsely accused and someone else besmirches your reputation in the eyes of others? You overcome! You hold steady like Peter and be known as the rock, the one who is solid in their belief.
I was falsely accused one time and I really struggled over it. Finally, one day God spoke to me and said, "I know the truth. You know the truth. There is nothing the others can say that will make me believe their lies about you. The truth will come out in the end." It has! I am not the one who has lost credibility. I am not the one with the reputation for being a liar. God helped me to overcome.
When we endure the trials and tribulations of this earth and reach the other side, our new names will be given to us. I would like to think that they are additions... as in titles.
Joe, the valiant.
Susie, the encourager
Johnny, the brave
Sally, the wise.
We have to overcome this world. We will be given a white stone with our new name on it that none shall know. I know what I would like to see written on mine. What about you?
_____________________ the faithful. ____________________the Righteous.
All we have to do is overcome!
Be faithful to the calling that He has given you. When your time comes, you will be rewarded and all of Heaven will rejoice with you.Thanks for reading.
Donna McHugh
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