Monday, March 18, 2013

Are You All Iced Up?

Today when I look out my window, I see a thick layer of ice on the trees, power lines and everything else. If the sun would come out, the ice would glisten like millions of diamonds covering the earth. But today, the sun has not come out yet and it is a gloomy and gray day.

It is also dangerous outside.....

The sidewalk is covered in ice making walking outside dangerous. Oh, if the sun would come out, it would be so pretty, but dangerous none the less.

The beauty on the trees and bushes is not beauty for drivers on the roads. It is treachery! But how can something so beautiful be so treacherous? The answer because it is cold. It is false beauty. It is alluring and beautiful, but dangerous...just like what Satan offers to the world.

When I was much younger, I attended college in the south where wintertime was much nicer than the northern climate that I live in now.  I used to fly home for Christmas break. Almost every time before the plane would leave the runway  on my return flight to school, the pilot would come on the intercom and say that they had to "de-ice" the plane. It was an inconvenience to the schedules, but necessary because the plane would not fly properly if there was ice. Parts would freeze up and cause a disaster. The fuel would not flow properly and cause even more problems, so the de-icing process was necessary. 

Sometimes in our lives things can happen to cause our flame to go out and we become icy and cold with others around us. We tend to be disagreeable and hard to get along with because the warmth is missing from inside. 

When we allow God to send His Sonshine, He melts the heart of stone (ice).  His Son shines steadily on you as the warmth begins to spread throughout your body a little at a time. Gradually you are being changed from within. Attitudes begin to change. You begin to see people in a different light than before. It is not long until Springtime comes to your soul once again. 

Even though the sun has not come out today, the temperatures are rising and the water is dripping from the eaves. The warmth of the wind is melting the ice away.  Wintertime is about to flee and Springtime will be so welcomed once again.

Thanks for reading,


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