O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him. Psalms 34:8
In this world of unrest and uncertainty, there is one constant which will always remain...Jesus Christ.
- But, the sad thing is that so many do not know that He is good and kind.
- So many do not see Him as merciful and forgiving. They think they are too bad to be forgiven. That is the furthest thing from the truth!
- So many think that since He is way up there and we are way down here that He does not care about us. Let me tell you that He always cares and always has. It does not matter what you are going through right now, He will always be there to meet whatever your need may be. There is nothing too great or too small for Him. If He cares about the sparrows that fall from the Heavens, He certainly will take care of anything that we face day by day.
At one point, I was really struggling in my life. We had been through some very horrific things which resulted in distrust of people and caused us a lot of great deal of overwhelming pain.
God brought a friend into my life who loved me unconditionally. She showed me that I could be rid of the things that caused the hurt and pain. She did not try to preach at me, but fervently prayed for me and gently dealt with me...showing me through her actions that there was a better way than to live than I was living. Her approach was the, "taste and see approach". She lived such an attractive life that it made me want to have what she had.
"Taste and see that God is good," she said.
Taste and see that God loves you unconditionally.
Taste and see what it feels like to let go of all of the hurts and live in peace.
Taste and see that you can have a song in your heart even in the darkest of times. It may be as black as midnight, yet God is right there beside you knowing the future steps that you will take.
Taste and see that His grace is sufficient for all situations...
As I began to act on what God was telling me, tasting and seeing, changes began happening in my life, in my marriage, and in other relationships. Because I learned to let go of things that bothered me and let God take away the hurt, He began His marvelous work in me. People began to see the difference in me. My family noticed the changes. My church family noticed that God was doing something in my heart. My friends noticed my attitudes were different. I was much more at peace in my life as God was transforming me.
As I tasted, I saw that God is good! The hurts began to melt away and God began to pour out His healing balm into my soul. Relationships changed. Where there was misunderstandings and hurt, there was healing and restoration. Trust began to develop in people once again. Forgiveness became easier...even toward my enemies!
The wellspring in my heart began to bubble up again. The song came back to my heart. Things look so much different than they once were.
Why don't you taste and see? He transformed my life and He can do the same for you. You won't be disappointed and your soul will be satisfied when you taste and see.
Thanks for reading,
Donna McHugh