Monday, April 1, 2013

The Hands of Jesus

Yesterday in Jr. Church something happened that really touched me.
We were doing some activities with the children and had hidden some
plastic eggs that had little slips of paper inside with one or two words that 
described something about the Easter story. One little boy who has
some physical challenges had the word "Nail" in his egg. When he 
read the slip of paper, the director explained how the Roman soldiers
nailed Jesus' hands and feet to the cross. He looked up at her with
a stunned expression and said two words over and over. "Oh NO!"
He caught the significance of the word. 

These were the same hands that healed the blind, the deaf, the dumb and the lame. The same hands who touched the children and held them close to Himself as He blessed them. Those same hands broke bread and fed the five thousand men plus women and children. 

In Jesus short ministry thousands of people were touched by Him. Lives were changed by the touch of the               Master's Hands. 

Since He has gone back to Heaven, we as His followers, are to be His hands and feet. We are to go about doing good and touching lives because He lives in us. We are His body.

  • It doesn't matter if we get splinters in our hands from something that we are called to do. He had nails pounded into His hands!
  • It doesn't matter if the one that we are reaching out to bites the hand that feeds them. Jesus ministered to those who ultimately rejected Him.
  • It does not matter if the hand that we touch is dirty and worn, but it matters to Jesus.  He touched the unclean lepers and others who had diseases. 

What matters the most is that we stand on the Judgement Day with clean hands and a pure heart. 

Showing Him our hands that served others even though at times it was risky.... We lovingly touch others with our hands because it is what the Master would have us to do. 

What do your hands look like? Are they soft and fleshy or are they scarred and worn from years of ministering to the sick and afflicted, lonely and sad, widows and orphans and those in need. Hands of service to the King are beautiful in His eyes! One day He will take a look at our hands and say, "Thou good and faithful servant, enter into the rest that I have prepared for you..." 

Thanks for reading,


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