Psalm 136:23 Who remembered us in our low estate: for his mercy endureth for ever:
In my talk with God today, we spent a little time talking about mercy again. It is a lesson that He has been teaching over the past few weeks.
We talked about His availability to us. He is approachable. He is always there to meet your needs no matter what they ma be. You can never exhaust His mercy, love and grace for you. That is a real profound thought!
I grew up in a large family and found it very difficult at times. There were times that I wanted to talk to my mother, but she would motion me away from her because she was busy and the things that I wanted to say to her were left unsaid. Her actions left me feeling rejected and unwanted at times, however, now that I am older, I understand that she was just trying to cope with the responsibilities of the family. But Jesus is not like that. He is always approachable and extends His arms of mercy to all of us all of the time. We can never be anywhere that He has not been. He is always there to listen when we need to talk.
Psa 139:7-12 reads:
7. Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?
8. If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.
9. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;
10. Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.
11. If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me.
12. Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee.
In other words, there is not one place we could go, one situation that we will face, there is nowhere that God hasn't been. He knows what you are feeling. He cries when you cry. He laughs when you laugh. He weeps when you weep. He rejoices when you do. He hurts with you. He grieves with you.... Every human emotion that you feel, He has experienced already. He has been there and He has already conquered all, so nothing that you feel surprises Him. We can have confidence in serving the God who has been there and always will be.
When Jesus went back to Heaven, He left a body of believers to do His ministry through them. Down through the generations of time, those who serve Him and love Him will serve others as He would have them to do. We as believers are the only Jesus that some people will ever know. Since He dwells inside of you, you become who He is...more and more like Him every day. That is why He says to you sometimes, "That is not what I would have said...That is not what I would have done...that is not the attitude I would have shown."
When you mess up, it is the mercy and grace that He offers you so that you will know how to offer it to others who do not experience that for themselves.... others who do not deserve it...
By your allowing Him to call the shots, others are seeing Him and He is drawing them to Himself. It does not matter what people do or don't do. If He asks you to show mercy to someone, then quickly do it even though it is hard to do.
Mercy is more than feeling sorry for someone. It is reaching out to them even though they may not react the same way He would. It is seeing a need and filling it. It is doing for God's Kingdom when no one else is doing it. Others do not matter in this respect. You do what you are asked to do and leave the rest to Him.
When you are in Him and He is in you, that means that you become one with Him, just like you are one with your husband or wife, only He is one differently. A mate is one physically, emotionally etc, but Jesus is one spiritually and eternally with those that serve Him.
His mercy endures forever, so should your mercy endure.....
His mercy is extended regardless of the circumstances, so should yours be exended...
His mercy is extended regardless of what people say and do, so should yours be.
Mercy and grace extended to whomever and whenever....That is Jesus' motto, if you will.
Thanks for reading.
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