Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Running on Empty?

My son had an embarrassing situation lately and he gave
his permission to share it with you. He learned a lesson from it
and so can we.

Let me give you a little bit of background so you understand the story. 

Sam bought a used car a few months ago. It has a lot of idiosyncrasies, one of 
which is a fuel gauge that does not work properly and a gas tank that will leak if
you fill it too full. He has to find that right level so he doesn't waste fuel and he
has to keep track of how many miles he travels so he knows when it needs fuel.
Most of the time he does fine, but there are those few occasions when he 
forgets. You can guess what happened. Yep! He ran out of gas.

It was not the only situation that he was facing at that moment. The roads were
nasty. Since we live in the country, the roads are not kept up as well as  the
county or state roads. He had to go pick up his paycheck, but it was a long, long
ways to go to get it.

You see, when he topped a hill, there was a truck stuck in the middle of the road.
He had to turn around in a drive way where he got stuck! Finally he got out, but
his car stalled and would not start no matter how hard he tried. So, he called for
his dad to come and help him.  

Long story short, it took 3 very frustrating and tense hours for his dad to push him
home. After struggling for a long time to get it into the driveway, the neighbor came 
over with his tractor and pushed his car into the driveway. 

After the neighbor left, my husband tried to start the car without success. They tried 
repeatedly to do things to get it started...and nothing worked. They began replacing
parts, charging the battery, and whatever else mechanics do, but the car still refused to start. They were baffled. Finally, someone got the bright idea to put some gas in it and see if it would start. VOILA! It cranked right over and ran like a charm!

So, what is my point here?  In the spiritual realm, if we do not have the right amount
of fuel in our tank, we will leak out and eventually sputter and die. We have to daily make
sure that we have our tank filled with "God time". 

Just like my guys who were frustrated and tense and baffled, we will be too if we do not
have the fuel of the Spirit in our lives. We can replace all the parts we want to. We can
guess and second guess our problem, but unless we first check our fuel level and
allow God to fill us and keep us filled, we will be just wasting time.

"Come unto me, all ye that are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest."
 Matthew 11:28

Come to Me instead of doing it all on your own. Come to Me instead of letting everyone else tell you how to do it. Jesus has the answers that your are looking for. Just come to Him and rest. You don't have to struggle on your own strength when your fuel tank is empty. Go to Him and let Him fill you with His peace and rest. 

Thanks for reading.


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