Saturday, January 12, 2013

It Won't Always Rain.

I have a music CD by Marci Webb in my office. She sings a
song that comes back to my mind from time to time. The song
is entitled, "It Won't Rain Always". 
I was thinking of that today when I got up and saw the sun
shining through the murk after a few long overcast, rainy, 
foggy days.

Though it seems like it sometimes that the rain will never end,
It will not always rain. God promised that when He put the
rainbow in the sky.  There will always be seasons--summer, 
winter, springtime and harvest. He promised that He would
never flood the earth again. It is a law of nature. It cannot
change, nor will it ever. Winter always  gives way to the 
brilliance of spring. 

It is the same way with life.  Life is not always dark and 
stormy. There are moments of sunshine and warmth.  
Think what would happen to us if we never had to face any
storms and always had happiness and blue skies. We would
not amount to very much. We would shrivel up quickly. 
We need wintertime in our lives. We need storms from time to
time. It makes us grow and really appreciate the sunshine even
more when we see it. 

On the flip side of this coin is how we look at life. If we see
everything as a negative, dark cloudy life then that is what we
will get. But in the midst of the storm, if we look up when everything
else surrounding us looks dark, there is the glimmer of the lining
behind the dark storm clouds. 

An old chorus comes to mind. "Behind every dark cloud shines the
smiling face of Jesus. In every dark cloud look for Him; He'll be there..."

The sun is always shining regardless of our circumstances. Above
the clouds, the blackness of night, the sun always puts forth its 
brilliance. Never changing, always steady... Just like our God.

Trusting that you will feel the warmth of the Sonshine in your life!

Thanks for reading.


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