When my oldest son was born, he had multiple defects with his heart. This required a lot of time spent traveling to hospitals and appointments. When we would enter a new hospital, the receptionist would always see our confusion when we stepped into the door as we were trying to find where we needed to go. This was especially overwhelming to us when we would have multiple appointments scheduled back to back in different parts of the hospital.
After we signed in, the receptionist would hand us our paperwork and tell us, "Now follow the yellow line to the lab (or wherever we were going.) After that appointment, the next person would hand us paperwork and say, "Follow the red line to X-ray. (or whatever was next on the list.")
It was by following the correct colored line through the buildings that led us to the right place at the right time. It prevented the frustration of getting lost in a big city hospital.
However, what would have happened if we decided to follow the yellow line for a while and then got tired of it and switched to the green line or the orange line? We would have not followed the right directions or not have arrived at the right destination.
That is the same way it is with the "religious" lines. Today in my time with God, we talked about following Him all of the way to Heaven. I like to think of Jesus' line as the yellow line. Yellow is a bright color, and in my mind, it stands for light....The Light of the World. He will never lead us astray. He will never lead us to the wrong destination.
There are people who say that there are many ways to Heaven, but the Bible that I read says that Jesus is the only way to Heaven. Buddha won't get you there. The Hare Krishnas won't lead you there. The Hindu religion veers off the path. So many others offer a road that looks like the right path, but they do not have the same final destination. Oh, all of the other religions have a grain of truth in them, but if you follow the path long enough, it will lead to confusion and intense loneliness. They do not offer the way of peace.
I choose to follow the yellow line to the Celestial City. It is a straight line that does not leave the pilgrims on the sidelines. The line that I follow may lead through dark valleys and steep mountain sides, however it is not a crooked line. It is always straight ahead one step at a time.
The Psalmist says "God's word is the lamp to my feet and a light to my path." That sounds hopeful to me. The next step that I take will always be on the right path--straight ahead, not to the left or right--but toward that dim light that is set upon a hill. Way off in the distance I see the tiny glimmer of light flickering in the intense darkness of the evil world that we live in. However, the longer I walk on the pathway, the brighter that glimmer of light becomes. It grows larger every day as the pull toward the Light becomes stronger and stronger.
I never want to follow another path. The blue, orange, purple and red paths do not lead Home. They lead to utter destruction without the warmth and hope that surrounds the yellow path.
Again, quoting the Psalmist, "Yea, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I will fear no evil... How come??? "For Thou art with me." That is why the yellow path is the best one. Choose yellow! It will lead you Home.
Thanks for reading.
Donna McHugh
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