Monday, September 9, 2013

The Echo of the Song

Act 16:25  And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. 

If you recall, before they were thrown in prison, they had been beaten black and blue. Then they were handcuffed and roughly drug along the jail corridors. The sound of the Roman soldiers' boots resonated loudly on the stone floor as they marched their prisoners to the cell.  The rattle of keys and the screeching of the large metal doors echoed through the corridors of that dark, damp foreboding place as Paul and Silas were unceremoniously tossed into the dark, smelly jail cell like common criminals.  The slam of the door and curses of the soldiers could be clearly heard by all of the prisoners as the sounds echoed and re-echoed through the jail.  

Wouldn't you agree with me that Paul and Silas were going through hard times? I am sure their wounds were bleeding and they were hurting all over and it was late at night.....
                         yet they never lost the song in their heart.

The song of Heaven that is planted in the heart of every believer will always be there no matter what we may face. I don't think any of us have been beaten and thrown into a jail cell for preaching the least it is not heard of in America.

The Heavenly Song within will bubble to the surface when you need it to. It will always be there. It is the song that comes from the Heavenly corridors...that echoes in the  hearts of the redeemed. The song echoes back to Heaven through all eternity.  It is the song of those who have been redeemed...the song of souls set free from oppression and difficulties...souls who have been through deep waters and yet their faith in God held strong.

The song echoes still through the corridors of time and eternity.  It is a sound of joy in the midst of pain. It is the sound of rejoicing in difficulties. It is the song of triumph over this world to gain the next.  The song still rings out even in these dark and stormy days. His song will never be silenced.

So, my friend, Sing to the Heavens!   Sing from your heart the melody that He gave you.  Join in the cadence of eternal sounds of worship. Heaven is filled with music... and the music resonates within your heart."

Thanks for reading.

Donna McHugh

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